Have you ever stopped to consider why you started or are running your own estate agency or letting agents? I mean really WHY? Sometimes we think, well just because I wanted to. Yes but WHY? Really WHY? It’s worthwhile thinking back to the reason you want to leave your job to start your own estate and letting agency or why you started it in the first place. Was it that you wanted to earn more money, be your own boss, have financial freedom, a better work life balance, to earn a million pounds, to provide a future for your children? Everyone has a very different WHY but it is important to understand and think about exactly why you are doing any business. Keep focused on this and it will keep you motivated and keep you going through tough times. When the going gets tough remind yourself why you started the business and keep aiming for it. It’s easy to go off track sometimes but keep focussed on your why and you will be able to drag yourself and the business back on track.
We are able to help you with starting a letting agents and estate agents, estate agent coaching, letting agent coaching and training for letting agents and estate agents. If you want more advice on your BIG WHY then get in touch for a chat.
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